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Trading Management System

Trading Management System is used to manage Multi Warehouse Stock Management, Cheques Management, Graphical Reports and charts, Closing Stock Valuation, company business Management & Reporting, and bank reconciliation as per Post Dated Cheques. The benefits of a Trading Management System are as follows:

  • Increased Insights and Visibility
  • Precise Demand Planning
  • Accuracy in Reporting
  • Powerful Point of Sale
Trading Management System

Trading Management System Modules

The main features of invoicing module system are as follows.


  • Opening Stock
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Return Invoice
  • Stock Issue
  • Stock Issue Return
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Return Invoice
  • Stock Damage Invoice (Expenses)
  • Logout
  • Exit

The main features of vouchers are as follows.


  • Accounts Opening
  • Cash Receipt Voucher
  • Cash Payment Voucher
  • Journal Voucher
  • Cheque Deposit in Bank
  • Cheques Deposit Reconciliation
  • Cheque Issued to Bank
  • Cheque Issued Reconciliation
  • Claims to Vendor
  • Claims Reconciliation
  • Financial Year Closing

The main features of registration are as follows.


  • Profile Registration
  • Company Registration
  • Financial Year
  • Region Registration
  • Town Registration
  • Area Registration
  • Salesman Information
  • Product Category
  • Product Packing Types
  • Product Registration
  • Account Voucher Abbreviation
  • Sales Party Category
  • Registry Accounts Settings
  • Parents Accounts Registration
  • Head Accounts Registration
  • Chart Of Accounts
  • Bank Account Registration
  • Vendors Party Registration
  • Parties Account Registration
  • Vehicle Profile
  • User Management

The main features of accounting reports are as follows.


  • Account Ledger
  • Cash Book Report
  • Bank Position Report
  • Accounts Receivables and Payables
  • Trial Balance
  • List of Cash Receipt Vouchers
  • List of Cash Payment Vouchers
  • List of Journal Voucher Report
  • List of Bank Receipt Vouchers
  • List of Bank Payment Vouchers
  • Profit and Loss Account Statement
  • Party and Product Vise Profit Report
  • Company Vise Profit Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Month Vise Expenses Report

The main features of registration listing reports are as follows.


  • Region List
  • Town List
  • Area List
  • Sale Man List
  • Products List
  • Product Category List
  • Product Packing Type List
  • Customer List
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Accounts Abbreviation List

The main features of cheques reports are as follows.


  • Deposit Un-cleared Cheques Report
  • Deposit Cleared Cheques Report
  • Deposit Bounce Cheques Report
  • Issued Un-cleared Cheques Report
  • Issued Cleared Cheques Report
  • Issued Bounce Cheques Report

The main features of claims reports are as follows.


  • Claims Uncleared
  • Claims Cleare

The main features of recovery reports are as follows.


  • Recovery Reports (Salesman Vise)

The main features of sale tax reports are as follows.


  • Purchase Report Detail
  • Purchase Report Summary
  • Sales Report Detail
  • Sales Report Summary

The main features of stock / inventory reports are as follows.


  • Product Activity ledger (Warehouse)
  • Product Activity Ledger (Sale Man)
  • Stock Report (Current Stock)
  • Stock Report (Sale Man Stock)
  • Stock Report (Company Vise)
  • Opening Stock Report

The main features of purchase reports are as follows.


  • Party Vise Purchases Report
  • Product Purchase Ledger Report
  • Company Vise Purchase Report
  • List of Purchase Invoice Product Vise
  • List of Purchase Invoice Value Vise

The main features of sale reports are as follows.


  • Company Vise Sales
  • Product Sale Ledger
  • List of Sale Invoice Product Vise
  • List of Sale Invoice Value Vise
  • List of Sale Return Invoice Product Vise
  • List of Sale Return Invoice Value Vise

The main features of damages reports are as follows.


  • List Of Stock Damage Invoices Product Detail
  • List Of Stock Damage Invoices Value Vise

The main features of comparison reports are as follows.


  • Purchase Comparison Yearly
  • Purchase Return Comparison Yearly
  • Sale Comparison Yearly
  • Sale Return Comparison Yearly
  • Expense Comparison Yearly

The main features of graphical chart reports are as follows.


  • Company Vise Sales Graph

Our Valuable Clients

At PMS (Pvt.)Ltd., we are dedicated to providing outstanding services to Ideal Khawaja Woolen (Pvt.) Ltd. It is a Trading Management Desktop-Based Application. Khawaja Woolen (Pvt.) Limited will cover Vouchers, Registration, Accounting Reports, Registration Listing Reports, Claim Reports, Recovery Reports, Sale Tax Reports, Stock/ Inventory Reports, Sale Reports, Damage Reports, Comparison Reports and Graphical Chart Reports.

At PMS (Pvt.)Ltd., we are dedicated to providing outstanding services to Iqra Woolen Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.  It is a Trading Management Desktop-Based Application. Iqra Woolen Mills (Pvt.) Ltd. will cover Vouchers, Registration, Accounting Reports, Registration Listing Reports, Claim Reports, Recovery Reports, Sale Tax Reports, Stock/ Inventory Reports, Sale Reports, Damage Reports, Comparison Reports & Graphical Chart Reports.

At PMS (Pvt.)Ltd., we are dedicated to providing outstanding services to Professional Lube Lahore.  It is a Trading Management Desktop-Based Application. Professional Lube Lahore will cover Vouchers, Registration, Accounting Reports, Registration Listing Reports, Claim Reports, Recovery Reports, Sale Tax Reports, Stock/ Inventory Reports, Sale Reports, Damage Reports, Comparison Reports & Graphical Chart Reports.

At PMS (Pvt.)Ltd., we are dedicated to providing outstanding services to Ideal Rubber & Engineering Industry.  It is a Trading Management Desktop-Based Application. the Ideal Rubber and Engineering Industry will cover Vouchers, Registration, Accounting Reports, Registration Listing Reports, Claim Reports, Recovery Reports, Sale Tax Reports, Stock/ Inventory Reports, Sale Reports, Damage Reports, Comparison Reports and Graphical Chart Reports.

At PMS (Pvt.)Ltd., we are dedicated to providing outstanding services to Ideal UK Traders.  It is a Trading Management Desktop-Based Application. UK Traders will cover Vouchers, Registration, Accounting Reports, Registration Listing Reports, Claim Reports, Recovery Reports, Sale Tax Reports, Stock/ Inventory Reports, Sale Reports, Damage Reports, Comparison Reports & Graphical Chart Reports.

We are looking forward to serving you better & welcome all your queries.